Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question that is not listed here, please email sslcsecretary@buckeye-express.com.
What will worship be like?
Worship at St. Stephen is casual, fun and maybe even a little unpredictable. Currently for our 10:30 AM service we use a combination of the keyboard, drums, guitar and organ for the music. The message is communicated through preaching, participation and the occasional video. We celebrate our God’s promises to be with us as we take time to seek forgiveness, hear God’s Word, and receive Communion.
What should I wear to St. Stephen?
Since there are people from many different backgrounds worshiping at St. Stephen, what people wear varies. For the most part, something casual will work just fine.
How long is worship?
​Worship at St. Stephen usually lasts 55 to 60 minutes.
Will I be singled out in any way as a guest?
​We typically have volunteers that welcome everyone that walks through our doors, including guests. But don’t worry, we will not put you on the spot, expect you to give money or do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you do need assistance, feel free to ask for help from our welcoming greeters or our ushers (who hand out the bulletin or program).
Where do my kids go during worship?
At St. Stephen, we believe it is important for kids to experience the joy of worshiping with their families but we also understand sitting in one place for an hour is not easy. We have a staffed nursery for kids 6 years old and younger. (See our staff page for more information). We also provide bags of quiet toys and clipboards with fun things to do to during the worship service. In addition, there
are youth ministry activities specifically for them scheduled throughout the year!
What is a Lutheran Church?
St. Stephen is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a national network of 9,000 churches. While we don’t share the same worship style and traditions as some other Lutheran churches, we do share the same core beliefs. Most importantly we believe we are saved by God’s grace, as a free gift, through faith in Jesus Christ -- not by anything we do.
Who is St. Stephen?
In the early days of the Christian church, Stephen was chosen to distribute food to widows in the community. Through this public work, he was identified as a follower of Jesus. He was arrested, put on trial, and sentenced to death by stoning. (A large painting in our narthex, or welcome area, features him.) Stephen became the first martyr, or person killed for the Christian faith. You can find his story and his public witness to Jesus in Acts chapter 6 and 7.