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Groups at the Church


Sunday School is available every Sunday during the adult's Gathering Space time. Children pre-school age to 4th grade age are welcome, and they will learn a bible story for the week and be able to ask questions about their faith!

Pile of Quilts

LWR Quilting

This group gets together and quilts for Lutheran World Relief. The quilts are then sent to those in need around the world. If you would like to join us and help with a good cause and have a fun afternoon, feel free to join us!

Adult Students

Gathering Space

Gathering Space takes place during the "school year" at 9:15 AM. We have a variety of teachers and topics! Everyone is welcome and we hope that you join us!

Joy at Tony Packos.JPG

Joy Club

Women—would you like to go out for lunch?  Please consider eating with the JOY club at noon on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. A sign up sheet is available monthly on the bulletin board in the Narthex!


Men's Group

Our Men’s brunch group meets once a month at 11:00 AM at Scrambler Marie’s on Central Avenue.  In addition to conversation, the group is bringing a topic or devotion to discuss at each meeting. 

Colorful Knitting

Crochet/Knit Group

Our knit/crochet group meets to make personal projects and prayer shawls.   We meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 1:00 p.m. New folks are most welcome any time and we can even help to teach you the basics of knit/crochet!

Colorful Books

Book Club

Our book club meets here at St.Stephen, the fourth Thursday of every month at 7 PM. We meet to discuss the month's book and pick a book for a future meeting. The currently chosen books are posted on the bulletin board. Please join us for our monthly book discussion!

Women Voting

Church Council

A group of members that meet on a monthly basis to review church activities, plan future events, and vote on matters that concern the church. 

Christ loves you!

7800 Erie Street  |  Sylvania, Ohio 43560  |  419.885.1551  |

© 2017 St. Stephen Lutheran Church - Sylvania, Ohio


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